Introduction to Soul Astrology
Astrology is an ancient Art, a timeless Knowledge that connects Heaven and Earth... A symbolic and sacred language, Astrology has been studying the movement of planets and their great influence on Earth and individuals since Antiquity.
In the XXI century, Astrology is being revealed and used as a Celestial Key, a powerful Symbolic Language, that will magically support and guide us on our Soul's journeys through space and time: from a dualistic, polarized and transitory human condition towards a progressive expansion of Consciousness and Liberation of the Soul…
Soul Astrology is a wonderful way to truly know ourselves, support our spiritual development and expand our Consciousness from the perspective the Soul's evolution. It will help us understand our karmic past, our Soul's gifts and challenges, and will reveal our higher spiritual calling in order to fulfill our Life's higher purpose.
This new online course with Raquel Sacramento - international teacher, therapist, astrologer and mentor since 2001 -, is aimed at anyone interested in learning “Astrology for the Soul” in the dawning of the New "Age of Aquarius":
both beginners or advanced Astrologers who would like to deepen their Self-Knowledge and connection to their Souls, developing greater awareness of the influence of "Heaven" in their lives and on Earth.
Soul Astrology, also known as "Spiritual Astrology" or "Esoteric Astrology", focuses on the evolutionary path of the Soul, being expressed through the Personality during a particular lifetime.
It can greatly assist us in understanding and integrating our Life experiences and expressing our higher spiritual purpose.
Traditional Astrology, on the other hand, is an effective tool to assist the individual in its process of self knowledge and inner transformation to gradually become more loving, balanced and integrated as a whole - it focuses mainly on the day-to-day personality aspects, its main challenges, issues and qualities, manifested in a person's life.
One of the fundamental differences between Soul and Traditional Astrology is that both are based on a completely different set of planetary rulerships (Ascendant ruling planets) , which will shift the focus from personality problems to our inner potential and spiritual purpose.
(We also recommend the interfacing or juxtaposing of the personality-centred astrological chart with the Soul-centred chart for a more integrated understanding.)
"Know the Law and be Free"...
By connecting to the greater Divine Order and understanding the Universal or Cosmic Laws, we may start to know the true nature of reality and aim towards a greater Personality and Soul integration, which will allow for a progressive alignment with the inner Light of Consciousness:
A complete introduction to Traditional & Soul Astrology
You will learn the foundations of Astrology, a brief history of this ancient Art, integrating the teachings of ancient Wisdom traditions and Esoteric Astrology with a new & updated Cosmic vision of a Quantum Universe.
You’ll also discover the Eternal Laws of the Universe, learn all Astrology fundamentals and the evolutionary symbolism of: the 4 Elements, 12 Signs, 12 Houses and Planets in the Zodiac, including asteroid Chiron, Black Moon Lilith, and the planetary rulerships.
We'll focus on the importance of the Ascendant (Rising Sign) and the esoteric planetary rulers as the key indicators of the Soul’s Purpose,and also the Lunar Nodes (our axis of Soul evolution).
The qualities of the Ascendant sign (and its esoteric ruling planet) describe the future direction of the Soul: what we are growing towards, or the new qualities that we are developing in this lifetime: valuable information about the nature of our spiritual purpose and service.
Personal Birth Chart reading:
The easiest way to learn Astrology is to start with yourself!
Your personal astrological birth chart will be your starting point and a powerful tool during this course for gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, your unique gifts, talents, challenges, and Soul's purpose.
As you begin to explore the wealth of information in your birth chart, you'll experience Astrology in a more personal and meaningful way -- which makes it easier to understand and remember the course contents. Once you learn the basics of Soul Astrology, you'll be able to read the birth charts of yourself and others too.
Learning Astrology is a multi-layered, magical and gradual process of evolving awareness, personal development and spiritual awakening, that never truly ends....
During this course, we'll be also connecting with powerful cosmic forces and astrological archetypes that also exist within us, therefore we'll be having group meditations, sharing inspirational images, music and some practical exercises, as a way to better understand, feel and integrate Astrology into your daily lives, in a practical, balanced and interactive way (not just as a mental knowledge).
By the end of this course, you will have a more expanded view of the Universe and a greater understanding of your Self: your personal gifts, challenges and inner tensions, creativity and,talents, your unique Soul's purpose as shown in our birth chart and astrological transits and secondary progressions.
New promotional price for the complete online course: €450 (instead of €650), as distance learning.
PURCHASE THE COMPLETE ONLINE COURSE HERE : 32 pre-recorded lessons and all course materials, as distance learning, so you can study at your own pace!
Upcoming Courses in 2023:
Our next "Soul Astrology Online Course" will be starting in January, 11, 2023,
It includes 33 weekly online lessons (8-9 months), every Wednesday evening, at 6 - 7.30 pm GMT (Lisbon-London time zone), with international astrologer and teacher Raquel Sacramento.
This course is also available in PORTUGUESE,
For more informations about our Soul Astrology consultations and courses, and to book your place,, please contact us:
Our next online Soul Astrology Course with Raquel Sacramento will be starting on January 11, 2023,, in English and also in Portuguese..
This comprehensive introduction to Traditional and Esoteric Astrology includes 33 weekly online lessons, plus all course presentations, guided meditations and written materials.
Stay tuned!
Weekly online lessons with astrologer, therapist and mentor Raquel Sacramento, every Wednesday evening at 6 - 7.30 pm GMT (Lisbon-London time zone).
Please contact us for more information and to book your place.
A distance learning modality (pre-recorded course) is also available, so you may study Soul Astrology at your own pace. It will take approximately 6-9 months to complete.
To purchase the full course and all materials, please buy course here or contact us.
Check out this free introduction to our Soul Astrology online course 2022-2023 Lesson 1, with Raquel Sacramento.
1. What is Astrology?
Astrology as a path to self-knowledge. Soul-centred, Humanistic, Karmic and Transpersonal Astrology perspective and its articulation with Psychology, Philosophy and Science.
The esoteric principles of Astrology, Inner Alchemy and the evolutionary path of the Soul.
2. Astrology and the Great Laws of the Universe: correspondences and analogies between traditional astrological knowledge and new discoveries of Quantum Physics.
The latest quantum view of the Universe and the expansion of Human Consciousness.
3. The Age of Aquarius - Astrology and the New Consciousness.
What is the Golden Age of Aquarius: the Precession of the Equinoxes and what it means to go from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius (NB: this will not just be "information", but how we experience it as Energy and Integration in our personal lives).
4. Introduction to the History of Astrology. Ancient Wisdom Teachings, the "Ageiess Wisdom" and Astrology: Babylonian, Egyptian, Greece, Taoism, Indian Vedic, and Mayan traditions, etc.
The “golden thread of Truth” found in all sacred Wisdom Traditions.
Astrology, Astronomy and Mythology, cultural and historical heritage.
5. The Cosmic Laws, Eternal Truths, and the Great Cycles of Human existence.
6. The 4 Elements and the Zodiac:
Earth, Water, Air and Fire (symbolic meaning of the vital principles of Life).
Ether, Quintessence or Spirit, as the unifying Cosmic Principle.
Principles of Alchemy, personal transformation and transmutation.
7. Astrological language and the amazing power of Symbols: their sense and significance.
8. The Zodiac and the main Constellations.
9. The structure and symbolism of the Astrological Mandala:
the cross and circle, the Ascendant – Descendant axis, the MC and IC axis.
10. The Astrological Houses and Signs - the 12 dimensions of human experience.
The “Hero’s Journey”: myth and mysteries of human existence.
11. The Planets and our Solar System:
Planets are considered as representatives of the main functions of the human psyche.
They will be studied one by one as “living” and active realities, both internal and external.
In Soul Astrology, Planets are considered as powerful “Cosmic Agents”, fulfilling a well-defined psychic function. In addition to their astronomical reality, Planets are seen as psychic and spiritual energies in their sacred dimensions, that will be thoroughly analysed throughout this course.
The "Sacred Planets",: esoterically, some planets are at the service of the Soul evolution, being considered as vibrating in Peace and tending towards Unity in their higher octaves of expression.
Then, there are also the “non-sacred Planets”, that mainly serve the Personality, still vibrating in fear, duality and desire - as an affirmation of a separatist and self-centered Ego (dissociated from the Soul).
Our Planet Earth is currently going through: a powerful time of Ascension and Paradigm shift - a pivolal point as Earth is being transformed from a non-sacred to a Sacred Planet...
12. The Planets
We’ll study the Astrological Planets one by one: their cosmic, psychic and transcendent significance and meaning. as well as their position (specific Sign and House) in our personal birth chart, including:
· The Sun
· Moon
· Mercury
· Venus
· Mars
· Jupiter
· Saturn
· Uranus
· Neptune
· Pluto
- The Earth (esoteric perspective)
· Black Moon Lilith
· Chiron & the “wounded healer”
13. Spiritual Life Lessons: the Ascendant and the Nodes
The great importance and significance of the Ascendant or Rising Sign as the key indicator of our Soul's purpose. Its exoteric and esoteric planetary rulers, according to Esoteric Astrology.
The South and North Lunar Node : the karmic Soul lessons and inner gifts, our individual Karma and Dharma. Cosmic keys for Happiness & Self-Realization,
The North Node represents our Dharma or highest Soul expression in this lifetime. Like a lighthouse, it points the way towards the direction of our highest Destiny.
When we finally align ourselves and reach for our "Dragon's Head" (Norht Node), the Universe supports us in manifesting and fulfilling our Soul's purpose.
14. The Astrological Significance of the Seven Rays:
The Seven Rays reveal the highest qualities seeking expression through a particular Sign.
Our 2 major Rays are connected to the Sun Sign and to the Ascendant within the Astrological Natal Chart.
- The Soul Ray is the Soul expression, which must be creatively released for your spiritual evolution. The Personality Ray is the impulse behind our exterior motivations.
- The symbolism of the 3 Astrological Crosses, representing the stages of spiritual evolution: Mutable Cross,Fixed Cross, and Cardinal Cross (the Path of Initiation into Higher Consciousness)..
15. The main Astrological Aspects - the exchange of energies and the challenges of human existence. The most important aspects are : conjunctions (0°), sextiles (60°), squares (90°), trines (120°), oppositions (180°).
(to be expanded in our Soul Astrology level 2 course).
16. Introduction to personal Birth Chart reading and interpretation:
How to interpret an astrological birth chart from the Soul perspective, combining reason and intuition, main steps and practical tips for a Soul Astrology chart interpretation.
(to be explained further in our Soul Astrology level 2 course).
17. Quick overview of astrological transits, secondary progressions, and their meanings (to be expanded in our Soul Astrology level 2 course).
Online classes are recorded live via Zoom..
This comprehensive course may take approximately 8-9 months to complete (total of 33 lessons).
Course fee: €55 per month (promotional price).
Distance learning modality also available, so you may study at your own pace..
What's included:
+ 33 live online lessons every week (via Zoom), with Raquel Sacramento
+ Unlimited access to recorded lessons (so you may study at your own pace)
+ All written and audio-visual course materials (available for download)
+ Copy of your own personalized birth chart (upon request)
+ Soul Astrology Course Certificate of participation
+ Free Participation in our online forums: FB Global Quantum Psionics and Soul Astrology
+ Ongoing support and group tuition
The “Soul Astrology” Course was created and developed by Raquel Sacramento, international teacher, holistic therapist and mentor with over 18 years’ experience.
Through her personal consultations, training courses and retreats, her work is now reaching hundreds of clients and students from all over the world.
This new Soul Astrology online course is based on Raquel's personal research and studies of Cosmic, Humanistic and Transpersonal Astrology since 1996, mainly following the teachings of the great Portuguese Astrologer and teacher Maria Flávia de Monsaraz, also inspired by the works of Dane Rudhyar, Martin Schulmann, Liz Green, Alan Oken, Howard Sasportas, amongst others.
This “Soul Astrology” approach considers the astrological birth chart as a Cosmic Key, our personal energy blueprint, allowing for a deep understanding of the Journey of the Soul and its progressive Ascension from Earth to Heaven, throughout many lifetimes...
Our painful human journeys on Earth can be realized and alchemized through Self Knowledge and Spiritual understanding, continuous inner process of alchemical purification and personal Individuation, that may be greatly supported by Astrology, spiritual traditions and esoteric teachings.
In a first phase, Astrology will support a greater awareness of the Human Being at the Personality level (exoteric, traditional Astrology), whilst considering a progressive revelation of the internal reality of the Soul (esoteric) and our relationship with the Cosmos.
Astrology for the Soul will help you to connect with the Divine Order of the Universe to find the greater meaning of Life and our ultimate expression: by progressively clearing and releasing our unconscious fears and “psychic shadows “, allowing for a lucid and deeper understanding of our Human condition and our Divine Dimension, and its progressive and creative manifestation on Earth.
Gradually, through this evolutionary process of inner Alchemy, we’ll be transformed into more peaceful, loving, creative and unitary Beings.
By opening our Hearts, expanding our minds and connecting to Spirit, a deep self-understanding and integration will enable us to share deeper Love, Wisdom and Truth with each other, finally expressing the best version of ourselves in this changing World, for the highest good of All.
“For the Unity of Souls in the Light of Consciousness”,
Raquel Sacramento
On Winter Solstice in December 2020, we initiated the “Age of Aquarius” with the intense Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. After a long period in Capricorn, these important "social planets" moved into Aquarius (Air sign), and during the following New Moon in Aquarius (February,11, 2021) there were 6 planets (Sun Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter) in Aquarius, further supporting thiese new waves of social and spiritual transformation.
During 2020-2022, we've been feeling how energies are intensifying and revealing an extreme polarity of Light -Darkness, whilst witnessing the gradual collapse of the Old Order and its outdated social, economic and political structures ...
We are living during extraordinary times that shall be known as “The Great Shift”. Planet Earth and Humanity are undergoing a fundamental evolutionary change that was foretold a long time ago...
We are part in a multidimensional Cosmos of endless cycles, informed and guided by a Divine Intelligence and ruled by Universal Laws. In these times of darkness, chaos and ignorance, there's even a greater need to understand these cycles and the true nature of reality to reveal the Divine Order (Love, Wisdom, Peace, Light, Harmony, Unity...) and the higher meaning of Life. It's a very urgent appeal to the Eternal Truths that have been kept and honoured by the ancient Wisdom Traditions for thousands of years.
Esoteric Astrology, as the "greatest and oldest of all sciences" , will always support and guide Humanity’s evolution and light our way up the Spiral of cosmic expansion…Astrology is a Symbolic and Sacred Language, the "Language of God": a Divine Knowledge that can support and guide our journeys of transformation and illumination towards greater Love, Peace and Understanding, on a personal and collective levels.
Yet again, “Heaven” is always there helping Humanity during such challenging times on “Earth” to facilitate the birth of a New Paradigm and the manifestation of a New Golden Earth for the next 2000 years cycle.
As we move towards more important planetary transits such as Pluto entering Aquarius in March 2023 , we'll truly feel an increase in these waves of transformation...
New Light frequencies and "Higher Mind vibrations" are changing our planet, bringing us new ideas and inspiration, upgrading and preparing us all for this incoming Age of Aquarius.
This great paradigm shift is causing major transformation and upheaval in human societies and our personal lives, thus this is the perfect time to learn Soul Astrology.
I look forward to seeing you all on our next Soul Astrology course, starting on October 13!
Raquel Sacramento