Crystalline Healing Light® is a highly advanced and powerful Vibrational Healing modality for the XXI century.
Since 2018 Raquel Sacramento created and developed "CHL Crystalline Healing Light®" system, a very comprehensive and integrated Energy Healing system and a recent development and "upgrade" in the fields of Quantum Psionics, Holistic Therapies and Vibrational Medicine.
Our CHL healing system is now reaching thousands of clients and students around the globe, including in Portugal, USA, United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Brazil, India, Australia, Canada, etc, and more recently in China.
Since 2020, we also teach certified CHL Practitioner Courses (5 levels) available at our "Intenational School of Quantum Healing" To find out more »»»»
History and Development of Quantum Psionics and the CHL® system:
Quantum Psionics or "Quantum Psionic Tables" were initially developed in 2012 by Régia Prado in Brazil and Portugal, who was also Raquel's teacher.
Quantum Psionics is an adaptation and expansion of existing "Radionic" healing boards, combining principles of advanced Dowsing, Psionics, Quantum Physiscs, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Sacred Geometry, Metaphysics and Natural Healing Therapies.
The system aims to facilitate the release of negative emotions, beliefs, and thought patterns that can cause physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.
Since 2018, Raquel Sacramento channeled, researched and developed the highly advanced CHL Crystalline Healing Light® Portal, a powerful "upgrade" to existing QP boards and techniques.
CHL enables individuals to move beyond blocks to health, vitality and well-being, whilst enjoying greater harmony and balance on every level: physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual.
The CHL Portal & CHL integrated healing system (5 levels) were channeled and developed intuitively by Raquel based on her wide research and over 20 year experience as a healer and holistic practitioner.
CHL combines advanced Quantum Physics and Neuroscience concepts applied to Holistic Healing, including many advanced healing tools inspired by ancient Spiritual Traditions, Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality and Mythology from around the world.
"Everything is energy, vibration and frequency"
Quantum Psionics and CHL practitioners believe that everything in the universe is made up of energy, and that our thoughts and emotions can affect this energy. They use various techniques to tune into the energy of the client, identify imbalances, and then work to correct and rebalance them.
One of the core principles of Quantum Psionics is the concept of "quantum entanglement". According to this theory, everything in the Universe is interconnected, and actions taken in one part of the Universe can have an effect on other parts of the Universe. In terms of healing, this means that the practitioner can tap into the client's energy field and work to correct imbalances by adjusting their own energy field - in presence, online or even at a distance.
How does QP and CHL healing work?
Some of the techniques used in our CHL sessions include:
1. Meditation and Visualization: Practitioners use meditation and visualization techniques to focus their energy and tune into the client's energy field.
2. Advanced Energy Healing: Practitioners use their own energy field to help balance the client's energy field. This can involve energy healing techniques such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and aura cleansing.
3. Intuitive Readings: Practitioners use their intuition to "read" the client's energy field and identify imbalances, using a pendulum and advanced Dowsings.
4. Healing Activations, Affirmations and Mantras: Practitioners use positive affirmations and mantras to help shift the client's energy and promote deep healing.
5. Clearing Techniques: Practitioners use various techniques to clear and transmute dense or negative energies from the client's energy field, using specific active dowsing techniques, visualization, affirmations and prayers.
What is the goal of our CHL system?
The goal of the CHL Crystalline Healing System is to promote holistic healing by addressing the client's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, activsating health, vitality, harmony and well-being, supporting self-knowledge, spiritual evolution and an expansion of Consciousness, always for the highest good of all.
What happens during a CHL session?
The CHL Practitioner starts by doing an intuitive reading of the client's energy levels (general frequency, emotional frequency, stress levels, negativity, toxicity, negative emotions, etc) and general life analysis, using Dowsing for measurements and dowsing charts. Astrology, Counseling, Divination, and other modalities may also be used, whenever necessary.
Each session is unique and personalized.
During a CHL healing session, Active Dowsing and Psionics are combined with the power of the Higher Heart and Higher Mind in harmony.
Through the powerful CHL Portal, we're connecting directly to Source energy through the Higher Self (Super Conscious Mind or Divine I AM Presence) of the practitioner to the Higher Self of the client, so that all necessary CHL healing frequencies may be selected and activated - according to the Divine Plan of Love, Wisdom, Truth and Unity Consciousness.
It is important to note that while some people may experience immediate and "magical" results from a CHL healing session, others may require multiple sessions or a longer period of time to see significant changes. It is also important to work with a qualified and experienced practitioner who can help guide you through the healing process.
To learn more or to book a CHL session, please contact us.
Our certified CHL courses will help you to become even more effective in your role as a Holistic Therapist, Personal Coach, Mentor, Counselor and Healer,by supporting your clients in achieving greater health, vitality, inspiration, and well-being at levels,
thus achieving more inner peace and harmonious relationships.
These advanced Vibrational Healing techniques may also be used for self-healing, self empowerment, for further developing your intuition and healing skills, and to achieve greater inner Mastery, expansion of Consciousness and alignment with your true Soul's purpose.
Our CHL Practitioner Courses may be live or online courses.
Our 2-day live courses are currently being taught by Raquel Sacramento, in Portugal, UK and China.
E-learning Courses are also available as weekly online live lessons or as distance learning format (so you may study in your own time), at our International School of Quantum Healing
allowing us to now reach hundreds of students around the planet.